Posts by Λάμπρος Δερμεντζόγλου
Haematology Clinic
Αιματολογική Κλινική Κλινική Κλινική Από τον Δεκέμβριο του 2019 οι Αιματολογικοί ασθενείς του Νοσοκομείο Παπαγεωργίου, νοσηλεύονται στην Αιματολογική Κλινική, δυναμικότητας 12 κλινών, που συστεγάζεται με την Ογκολογική Κλινική. Στην Αιματολογική Κλινική νοσηλεύονται τόσο οι ασθενείς με καλοήθη Αιματολογικά Νοσήματα όσο και οι Ασθενείς με Αιματολογικές κακοήθειες (Μυελοπαραγωγά, Λεμφοπαραγωγά νοσήματα, πλασματοκυτταρικές δυσκρασίες). Οι αιματολογικοί ασθενείς θεωρούνται…
Read moreMedical Physics - Radiophysics
Department of Medical Physics - Radiation Physics Department Department General The Dept. of Medical Physics - Radiation Physics is related to all applications of ionizing radiation, is responsible for Radiation Protection issues and is active in applications of the Departments of Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Diagnostics. The Radiophysicists of the Dept. of Medical Physics - Radiophysics carry out the quality control of all ionizing radiation machines.
Read moreCytology Laboratory
Cytology Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory General The Cytology Laboratory was established in June 2000. The Laboratory offers important services in disease diagnosis and clinical assessment. Cytology's most direct offer to the patient is to provide specialized diagnostic solutions in both simple and difficult and problematic cases. This is achieved through the microscopic determination...
Read moreMolecular Biology
Μονάδα Γενετικής Εργαστήριο Εργαστήριο Γενικά Στο νοσοκομείο μας τέθηκε σε λειτουργία από το 2007 εξειδικευμένη Μονάδα Γενετικής η οποία περιλαμβάνει τα τμήματα της Μοριακής και της Κυτταρογενετικής και οι εξετάσεις που διενεργεί αφορούν το σύνολο σχεδόν των ειδικοτήτων της Ιατρικής. Η Μονάδα Γενετικής εφαρμόζει όλα τα απαραίτητα οργανωτικά και τεχνικά μέτρα για την ασφάλεια των…
Read moreDental Department
Dental Department Department Department Department Department Background The dental department of the General Hospital of Papageorgiou began to operate in the year 2000. Activities The dental department operates from Monday to Friday in the outpatient department at the first stop, by appointment. It performs approximately 3,500 dental operations per year. The operations performed: are prevention in children up to 14 years old dental treatment...
Read morePulmonology Department
Pulmonology Department Clinical Clinic NOTE: The Pulmonology Clinic will operate exclusively as a COVID CLINIC from 2020 Background The Pulmonology Clinic started operating in November 1999 Activities A. Outpatient Clinics Regular Outpatient Clinics Daily 9 am - 2 pm. Diagnostic approach and follow-up of lung diseases, following scheduled appointments or referral. Also diagnosis of diseases...
Read moreInfarction Unit
Infarction Unit Infarction Clinic Clinic GENERAL INFORMATION The cardiology department offers prevention, diagnosis and treatment services for diseases of the heart. It is also active in the field of scientific education and further training of young cardiologists. On these pages you will find everything about the department and its staff. You can even find out about the clinical activities of the department covering...
Read moreCentral Surgeries
Central Operating Rooms Operating Rooms Operating Rooms General The Central Operating Rooms of Papageorgiou Hospital are a combination of the American and German architectural layout model. More specifically, in the American model, the basic and main characteristic is the arrangement of the operating rooms on either side of the central sterile material handling corridor, while the basic feature of the German model is the existence of auxiliary areas, such as...
Read moreBlood donation
Blood Donation Department Department The Blood Donation Department is responsible for the entire management of blood and its derivatives at Papageorgiou Hospital. Our Blood Donation Department has been carrying out important work for 20 years covering the great needs of our patients in red blood units and blood derivatives. Indicatively, the Blood Donation Department of our Hospital provides...
Read moreHaematology Laboratory
Haematology Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Activities The activities of the laboratory are the following: 1: * General Hematological examinations of all Departments * Complete haemostasis testing and investigation of thrombophilia-molecular method * Identification of Hematological Diseases by flow cytometry. * Hb electrophoresis for investigation of haemoglobinopathies. 2. Department of Blood Donation: * Determination of Blood Group and Phenotype-Check for the presence of antibodies,...
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