Administrative Service


Independent Offices

The Education Office started its operation in September 2001. It is an independent office, administratively subordinate to the Administrative Service. It is staffed by two administrative officers, with the following responsibilities:

  1. Hospital Staff Training:The training is achieved though seminars, taking into account the actual needs of the directories.
  2. Internships for students from educational institutions of various levels and specializations, both national and international.
  1. Research papers: Researchers can exploit hospital data, after approval from the Scientific Council.
  2. Unpaid Scientific Assistants: All the necessary procedures for cooperation with external scientific partners are carried out.
  3. Rooms: Management of training rooms and supervisory material.
  4. Update: Publications and posters are posted on the hospital's internal network (Intranet).
  5. Educational visits: Organiζes visits to various educational institutions ον their request.

 Future challenges

  • Training of all levels of staff.
  • Use of modern forms of computer and internet-based education.
  • Emphasis on proper training of trainees.
  • Register of unpaid research assistants, postgraduate and doctoral students.
  • Full exploitation of the results of research work.
  • Promotion of the Hospital's innovations through presentations at local and international conferences.
  • Participation of the hospital in European programmes for staff training/information, such as the "HOPE" programme.

The aim of the Training Office is to continuously adapt the knowledge and skills of employees to the ever-evolving requirements of their job and the needs of modern health services. After all, in a modern health service organisation, change is the norm and the improvement of processes and services is by definition continuous.

Tel: 2313 323686
Working hours: 7:00 - 15:30 (Monday to Friday)

Responsibilities of the Nutrition Office:

  • Controls the quality and suitability of hospital food and the meals provided to patients and caregivers
  • Is responsible for the dietary regimens of patients and staff as well as for the training of patients in need of dietary treatment.

The Nutrition Office is staffed with Food Technologists and Dieticians.

Responsibilities of a Food Technologist:

  • He/she is responsible for the control of all production processes of the catering unit.
  • Monitors the preparation phases
  • Monitors the implementation of the production planning of the products.
  • Participates in the HACCP team and monitors the implementation of the HACCP protocol by the catering contractor.
  • Supervise the hygiene and cleanliness of the catering facilities.
  • Carry out macro acceptance checks on incoming products.
  • Supervise the quality control of raw materials, production and final products.
  • Supervise the execution of the operations during the production phases, preparation, cooking, rationing and distribution to inpatient.
  • Ensures that the required microbiological and/or chemical analyses and other laboratory measurements are carried out for the supply of raw material, production and finished products.
  • Maintain and update a record of the temperatures of the refrigeration chambers.
  • Monitors the conditions of food regeneration in the food service and distribution offices.
  • Monitor the relevant food legislation.
  • Ensures the definition of the specifications of the incoming as well as the produced products in the catering facilities of Papageorgiou Hospital.
  • Monitor the implementation of the operating procedures of the catering facilities as defined by the International Standard for Quality of the ISO 9000 series.
  • Participates in the formulation of the seasonal menu.

Food Technologist: Vasiliki Vafiadou

Responsibilities of dieticians :

  • Formulation of the patients' diets (menu)
  • Planning, drafting, supervision and execution of special therapeutic dietary programs for inpatients of all hospital clinics, based on medical instructions
  • Assessment of the nutritional status of patients in special care units.
  • Supervision of the rationing process
  • Design of specialized diets for children with neurological diseases (ketogenic diets), hyperlipidemia and other diseases from all over Northern Greece
  • Supervision of cases of morbid obesity in the outpatient obesity clinics (in collaboration with the First Surgical Clinic), where patients are selected for gastric ring placement and postoperative nutritional support.
  • Education and training of patients in need of special dietary treatment such as artificial kidney patients, who are given general instructions and specialised diets where appropriate.
  • Supervision and training of the practical training of students of TEI Nutrition per 6 months

Dieticians: Anastasia Anastasiadou and Irini Katsanika

Catering facilities - Culinary facilities

The facilities of the kitchens located at spatially at the lowest level of the hospital, and their supply with raw materials is made from an autonomous service yard. The operation of the kitchens is awarded by tender to a contractor company which, using the Hospital's facilities and equipment, prepares all the items offered to the recipients (inpatients, staff and visitors).

On the premises of Papageorgiou General Hospital apply all appropriate procedures to ensure the safety of the food produced in accordance with the principles of the HACCP methodology.

The Social Service is an independent office and is part of the Administrative Directorate of the Hospital. The offices of the department are located on the ground floor of the building complex.

The work of the Social Service includes the prevention, diagnosis and support of patients facing psychosocial problems. The department supports all clinics and departments of the hospital. It is a member of the interdisciplinary team with the aim of maintaining, treating and restoring the patient's health with a holistic approach.

The interventions of the Social Worker are not limited to the patient but extend to the family and the community, aiming at supporting, empowering and reintegrating the beneficiaries in their social environment.

Contact phone numbers: 2313323137-2313323972

FAX: 2310 685111


Public service hours: 7.30-15.00 Monday to Friday 

The Library is located in the basement of the Hospital (level -1) and is open on working days Monday-Friday from 07.00 - 15.00. The Library employs 1 librarian.

The main purpose of the Library is to serve the community of the Hospital, which consists of the scientific and other staff, students, researchers and external users (without the right to borrow) who visit Library in order to benefit from its services.

Hospital staff have the right to borrow up to 3 books for 2 weeks.

The Library is open access. That is, users can search for the material they are interested in on their own or contact the librarian for assistance.

The Library also has a 25-seat reading room and 5 computers with Internet access. From the library's computers it is possible to search for sources and bibliography in databases accessible by the library. It is also possible to scan documents and photocopy them. The photocopier is operated with a card that the user buys from the library staff by paying the corresponding fee.

The library's e-mail address is Interested users can send the bibliography they need (such as specific articles or keywords) to this e-mail address and the library staff will reply immediately.

At present the library has an active subscription to the Clinical key database, which includes 614 journal titles and the full text of 1168 Elsevier e-books. As well as to the Up-to-date database (exclusively for hospital employees). At the same time, there is also the physical archive of about 160 journal titles of various subject categories of Medical, Nursing, and Administrative nature.

In case of non-free access to the articles, it is also possible to order them from other libraries at a cost of 2 €/article.

The library also organises training sessions-seminars to train users in the use of its databases and in searching for articles. These meetings are held by arrangement with the library manager and users and can be either individual or small groups of users.

For any other clarification or information you can contact the Library at 2313323909.

Note: the Library's operation during the Covid-19 pandemic continued uninterrupted in terms of online service or physical presence by appointment. The reading room, however, remained closed to the public, in accordance with guidelines for safe operation.


Library Manager

Zachou Angeliki - Librarian



  • Guarding patients and staff
  • Building security
  • Visitor control
  • Control the traffic of vehicles within the hospital
  • Compliance to the visiting hours

The department is part of the Administrative Service and is staffed by two Public Health Supervisors. The Public Health Supervisor is the person responsible to carry out the sanitary control in order to avoid hospital infections and to always observe the rules of hygiene. The compliance to the hygiene rules in a hospital is of particular importance, since it directly concerns the inpatients, i.e. people with low immune and by definition at risk.

The objects of the department are the following:

  • The supervision of the cleaning crew of the hospital
  • The Training of Cleaning Staff
  • The Health Enlightenment of Workers
  • The management of hospital waste
  • Pest control (insecticides, myocides)
  • Control of the application of hygiene rules in the kitchen, restaurant, canteen (HACCP application)
  • Participation in the Hospital Infections Committee
  • Participation in the selection of disinfectants
  • Continuous information on new methods that will help in the promotion and defence of health (new methods and/or products for cleaning and disinfection, etc.)
  • Water sampling
  • Supervision of the laundry - laundry room
  • Supervision of the green maintenance crew
  • Staff training in waste management
  • Worker management
  • Supervision of hospital security staff
  • Management of the hospital's closed circuit surveillance system (cameras)

The defence and promotion of health is an inalienable right and obligation of all health personnel.

Service telephone number: 2313323123
Fax service: 2313323686



Director of Administrative Services

Yogatzi Maria

Heads of Services & Departments




  • Contact

    Ground floor
    (Hospital Map)

    Yogatzi Maria

    Citizen Service Office
    2313 32 3130

    HR Office
    2313 32 3124

    Patient Office
    2313 32 3502

    Outpatient Clinics
    2313 32 3212

    Internship Office
    2313 32 3686 
